A blog about giving ourselves permission to create and be joyful in a world that is hurting.

You are an artist and you know art is healing to others and yourself. You know doing your art and sharing it are important. But you forget.

Let me remind you.

Hi, I’m Mary Brutsaert. I am a healer and an artist. It took me a long time to find a way to take care of myself that is simple and nurturing while at the same time radically different from anything I have been told to try. I have applied it to my life and my art and I want to share what I’ve learned with you.

You can sign up below to read about the ways I cultivate joy through radical self-acceptance and permission to do my art. Permission to Paint goes out every 2 weeks.

You’ll also hear about opportunities to work with me.

It’s Time To Celebrate Yourself
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

It’s Time To Celebrate Yourself

It’s graduation season.

As a mother of 4, not many years go by without some momentous celebration or other.

Yesterday, my second daughter graduated from college.

She’s known she wants to be a doctor since elementary school.


No idea. She just knew.

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Permission to Paint
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

Permission to Paint

Ta da! Did you notice the new name and logo?

It’s what my newsletter will be called from now on, to differentiate it from the therapy side of things.

When I write, I’m wearing my artist hat.

I will still talk about the same things. In fact, I could have called it Permission to Create and Be Joyful in a World That is Full of Suffering and Grief.

But then I would lose the alliteration. And it’s a bit long.

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Do You Belong?
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

Do You Belong?

Two weeks ago, at the San Francisco MOMA, I had a profound experience.

I felt like I belonged.

It moved me.

And it shook me.

Coming back to Corvallis, I asked myself, Do I belong here?

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Purple Amenities
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

Purple Amenities

I spent four hours in heaven this past weekend.

Room after room, floor after floor filled with color, shape, composition, value, texture, luminescence, and movement, speaking the language of the soul.

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Low Hanging Fruit
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

Low Hanging Fruit

The first few times I was introduced to the power of the breath, I was not impressed.

In fact, it left me woozy, gasping for air, and happy to leave my breath to its own devices, thank you.

I can feel a tiny panic rising in my chest just thinking about it.

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Ode To A Box of Crayons
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

Ode To A Box of Crayons

Remember cracking open a fresh box of crayons?

That waxy smell, the pointy colors all neatly lined up just for you - beaming up at you, murmuring, rumbling, squealing to be broken out.

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It’s Just Not For Me
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

It’s Just Not For Me

When you hear me going on about embracing your inner silly goose waddling your way through life with a paintbrush in one hand and blowing kisses with the other, do you ever find yourself thinking,

That all sounds great, Mary, but it’s not for me.

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Idle Time and Silly Delights
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

Idle Time and Silly Delights

There’s this thing I do that fills me with delight.

Picture me in pajamas and boots, robe flapping in the wind, trudging through rain soaked sod, tall grasses, or even snow while lugging one or more paintings.

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Joy is Back From Vacation
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

Joy is Back From Vacation

I’m not sure what happened but somewhere in the last year Joy left me. Here I am writing about how to bring more joy into our lives and my own joy just quit on me.

Adios, she said, I’m out of here.

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The Elephant in the Room
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

The Elephant in the Room

There’s relief in naming whatever is bothering you, and allowing it to play out - that’s what it was doing anyway.

When we allow it, we can talk about it, make choices about it, give it a seat at the table.

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Kickstart Your Creativity
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

Kickstart Your Creativity

This year I’m giving myself permission to RESPOND.

As long as I’m in responding mode my creative juices are flowing.

It all starts with - you guessed it - NOTICING things to respond to.

If we notice what lights us up, what piques our curiosity, we can recognize it as an invitation to explore and investigate and go from there.

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Happy New Year 🎆
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

Happy New Year 🎆

Stop by my office at the Benton Plaza and share your thoughts the slow, old-fashioned way on my community wall. I care.

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And Now For Something a Little Different
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

And Now For Something a Little Different

Is there something going on for you right now that wants to be heard and expressed?

I hope you will listen.

I hope you will put pen or pencil or paintbrush to paper and let it do its thing.

It’s magical.

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Are You a Good Listener?
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

Are You a Good Listener?

When we feel seen and heard and accepted in our most vulnerable moments, we can step into a bigger version of ourselves.

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It’s On
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

It’s On

Join the Journal Doodle Circle, an intentional space for practicing the life-giving skill of noticing and meeting ourselves and others where we are. To sign up or be kept informed of gathering dates, click here.

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Do You Take Yourself Seriously?
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

Do You Take Yourself Seriously?

So, to remind you that you are important, and that your needs and wants are important, I invite you to take a few quiet moments to yourself today.

Take a piece of paper (or your journal if you have one) and make a What-if List. Write at the top, “Wouldn’t it be great if…” and start writing anything and everything that comes to mind, whether it seems realistic or not. Don’t think about it. Just write.

That’s it.

Let the list sit as a product of you. That’s enough.

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The Cost of Authenticity
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

The Cost of Authenticity

Being authentic means being willing to look at the things we wish were different in ourselves, in those around us, and in the world. And to allow the pain associated with it. Even if this means we can’t function for a while.

The cost of authenticity is that we feel our grief more keenly.

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What’s the Point of Making Mediocre Art?
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

What’s the Point of Making Mediocre Art?

There’s nothing quite like creating something out of nothing. It makes us feel alive. It helps us connect to ourselves in a way that is more immediate than almost anything else.

This is the point of making mediocre art: to feel alive and to pass the spark on to others.

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It’s Not You, It’s Your Nervous System
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

It’s Not You, It’s Your Nervous System

Funnily enough, showing up as who we are - aka being “authentic” - doesn’t exactly come naturally.

We are built for survival. That’s our default.

To bypass the default, play!

When you’re having fun, you’re exercising the muscle of being yourself.

When you’re playing, you’re strengthening the neural pathway of joy.

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What’s Wrong With You?
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

What’s Wrong With You?

In those moments where everything suddenly feels wrong, lacking, or simply too much, using words of reassurance and encouragement is one way to stimulate the vagus nerve and access this state of calm and confidence.

There’s nothing wrong with you.

You are human.

Our task is to have the courage to look our humanness in the eye and to allow it.

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