Purple Amenities
I spent four hours in heaven this past weekend.
Room after room, floor after floor filled with color, shape, composition, value, texture, luminescence, and movement, speaking the language of the soul.
It’s a language that comes from listening intently, letting the world fall away, and allowing what’s inside to come forth, as directly and purely as possible.
It’s my language. I hear it.
Standing on the fourth floor of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art I received it.
I stood there, opened up, filled with unspeakable joy and grief.
Joy that this exists in the world.
Grief that we only ever touch small parts of it.
And as I looked up I saw, through an arched opening in the wall, a dark face staring at me, through me, tears coming down its cheeks. Slow and never ending.
I walked through the arch and let the tears wash over me.
Someone else’s endless tears.
I knew then to not be afraid to speak this language. To let this language be spoken through me.
More. More often. More directly.
What Matters? the wall said.
What matters is the sky. “I can never give up on life as long as the sky is there,” says Yoko Ono.
What matters is that we stop beating up on ourselves, forcing ourselves into a straight jacket to fit in.
What matters is kindness. Radical acceptance. Compassion. Freedom. Ease. Letting go of fear. Speaking from the heart. The soul.
What matters is letting ourselves be who we are. This is, to me, the prerequisite for letting others be who they are.
Letting ourselves be who we are.
And then a door opens and closes behind us. It’s quiet. It’s purple. It’s blue. It’s designed for me and you.
How do you hear the language of the soul? How do you speak it, or let it speak through you? Drop me a line to let me know. It truly makes my day to hear back from you. Also, if you know anyone who would find my newsletters supportive, please forward this email on to them. I want to inspire more people to live a more joyful, creative life.
With love and support,
Mary B.
P.S. Our next Journal Doodle Circle is this Wednesday. It’s an intentional space for practicing the life-giving skill of noticing and being open to WHAT ELSE is wanting our attention. Join any time. We’d love to have you. To ask a question, hit reply to this email or click here.
Disclaimer: This Newsletter is to be used for informational purposes only. It does not constitute (mental) health advice. If you need mental health support, please contact a professional mental health provider.