Low Hanging Fruit

The first few times I was introduced to the power of the breath, I was not impressed. 

In fact, it left me woozy, gasping for air, and happy to leave my breath to its own devices, thank you.

I can feel a tiny panic rising in my chest just thinking about it.

Breathing in unison sounds great, but somehow my system is not willing to breathe to someone else’s count.   

Alternate nostril breathing? Get me out of here!

I know these things are beneficial and the limitation is mine. And that’s fine by me. 

All roads lead to Rome. There’s no rule that says we have to pick the one that's treacherous and crawling with snakes. 

The day I discovered I can trust my experience and go with it instead of against it was a glorious day!

Be gone, guru pranayama snakes. Namaste. 

It just so happens that paying attention to my breath did alert me to a tendency I have of holding my breath. 

It made me curious. 

So I started taking a breath - one conscious breath - every time I caught myself doing it. 

It changed my life. 

It showed me just how often I experience life on high alert, ready to fight or flee or freeze. 

It made me notice how I regularly starve myself of air. 

Have you noticed yourself doing this? Or maybe your breath is just shallow at times?

Taking one deliberate breath in those moments is literally life-giving. It’s an instant reset button for the nervous system.

Wait! Never mind! False alarm! I am safe, people. It’s all good!

I need this twenty times a day. 

That’s my magic number. It’s big, because I know I need it more often than I think. And it’s easy. It doesn’t take any effort.  

Taking a breath is the low-hanging fruit of mindfulness practices. 

But it’s not just a reset button.

It’s also a moment of noticing. A moment of presence and awareness that allows us to slow down and create space. 

It’s our way into that calmer, more confident state that’s available to all of us.

The one that knows there’s more to life than being useful and fitting in. There's more to us than the tasks we check off our list.

That knowing inside of us that reminds us we are worthy and lovable and good enough just as we are right now. 

All of us. 

Imagine what the world would look like if we all tapped into that knowing more often. 

This is important.

And it starts with one conscious breath. 

So, please, take that breath now. 


Do you have some sort of breathing practice that’s been life changing for you? I would love to hear about it. Maybe you have mastered the breath of fire enough to not pass out? Drop me a line to let me know. It truly makes my day to hear back from you. Also, if you know anyone who would find my newsletters supportive, please forward this email on to them. I want to inspire more people to live a more joyful, creative life. 

With love and support,

Mary B.

P.S. Our next Journal Doodle Circle is this Wednesday. It’s an intentional space for practicing the life-giving skill of noticing and being open to WHAT ELSE is wanting our attention. Join any time. We’d love to have you. To ask a question, hit reply to this email or click here


Purple Amenities


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