“The world needs art - your art.”

Mary B.

Permission to Paint

(And Sell Your Work)

1:1 Coaching with Mary

Being an artist and putting your work out there is an incredibly brave thing to do. It WILL bring up your deepest insecurities.

What if you could build an art practice that will sustain you for life?

What if you could…

  • feel good about your art today and every day?

  • stop trying to make acceptable work and start making spectacular work?

  • stop pushing your art where it “should” go and start listening to where it wants to go?

  • stop justifying to others why you paint?

  • start using what lights YOU up as your North Star, your one and only guiding force?

  • start blocking off time for you and your art as if your life depended on it - because it does?

  • start turning your anxiety and self-doubt into joyful, authentic art?

  • deal with you inner perfectionist and your inner critic once and for all?

  • start selling your work as the precious resource that it is?


Permission comes NOT from creating that perfect piece that everyone loves, but from finally letting those not-good-enough parts of you out and giving them unconditional free rein.


Hi, I’m Mary. I’ve known I am not an artist since my preschool teacher gave my painting that pitying look that they give. As if to say, “You’re still sweet.” Since then, I froze up anytime I was asked to do anything remotely artsy. Art just wasn’t my thing. No big deal.

And then I discovered painting.

It happened by accident. I tried art journaling because I know art making is a great way to give my overused thinking brain a break.

By the way, I’m a therapist. I am trained in powerful experiential approaches backed up by the latest research in neurobiology. Over the years I have seen the remarkable results of these approaches, in my clients and in myself. So, if the research says art is helpful, I’m trying it.

To my utter surprise I actually liked making random marks - which of course weren’t random at all. They were my marks, marks that felt good to me, that said something about me. I knew this intuitively. Paper and crayons were exchanged for canvas and paints, and I haven’t looked back.

Just like that, I gave myself permission to be an artist.

Painting brings an incredible joy to my life. And I wouldn’t be a therapist if I didn’t try to understand how it all works. Why is art so joyful? Why is it so scary to share our work with others? Why does trying to make money off it ruin all the fun? And what can we do to have our cake (joy!) and eat it too (income!)?

I’ve made it my mission to share what I’ve learned with other artists.

I developed a method that is a unique combination of my favorite experiential approaches and my unwavering commitment to making joyful art. 


Let me help you turn your deepest insecurities into magnetic art - your art.



  1. One-Time Reset @ $150*.

  1. Includes:

    • Deep-reflection questionnaire (to be completed before session).

    • A 60-minute experiential coaching session with Mary.

    • An experiential tool fine-tuned to your specific needs that will sustain you for a lifetime of art making.

    • BONUS: Guidance to start a daily journaling practice - a surefire way to deepen and sustain your work.

*Limited time only Beta price: $90 in exchange for an honest testimonial.

2. 6-Pack Intensive @ $750*.

  1. Includes:

    • Deep-reflection questionnaire (to be completed before session).

    • Weekly 60-minute experiential coaching sessions for 6 weeks.

    • Unlimited asynchronous access to Mary during these 6 weeks (via email).

    • At least 3 experiential tools fine-tuned to your specific needs that will sustain you for a lifetime of art making.

    • BONUS: Guidance to start and maintain a daily journaling practice - a surefire way to deepen and sustain your work.

*Limited time only Beta price: $450 in exchange for an honest testimonial.


PERMISSION TO PAINT is for you if…

✅ …reading this page makes your heart jump.

✅ …you are curious and willing to look at the things that are keeping you stuck.

✅ …you are ready to get your joy back and take your art to the next level.


❌ …you are looking for an art class to perfect your skills.

❌ …you are looking for marketing advice to sell your work.

❌ …you are looking for therapy. If therapy is what you are looking for, please visit my PsychologyToday profile here.


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