“There is a place within you that is waiting for you, eager to hold you with compassion and acceptance, understanding and guidance. Find your way there. The world needs you.”

Mary B.

Are you ready to start showing up as your brilliantly flawed self?

You know there’s nothing wrong with you and there never was.

But you forget.

You know there’s no need to worry about doing the “Right” thing.

You know you can listen inside and trust what comes up. 

But you forget.

You know you don’t need to work so hard to fit in.

You are, and have always been, good enough exactly as you are in each moment.

But you forget.

If you would like to explore experiential ways to come home to yourself within a heart-centered community, join the

Journal Doodle Circle

A small-group mini retreat in the heart of Corvallis

When we look inside and pay attention regularly, we will find there’s so much more to us than we ever show to the world. 

Once we allow all parts of us to come out and play, the hiding parts start peeking out to see what all the fuss is about. When they realize that even they are invited to the party, that’s where the joy is. That’s where creativity starts.


Hi, I’m Mary Brutsaert. I used to be an exhausted social worker. I gave my all to my clients and was left with very little for myself and my family. It took me a long time to find a way to take care of myself that is simple and nurturing while at the same time radically different from anything I was ever told to try. 

As a trauma-focused therapist I am trained in powerful experiential approaches backed up by the latest research in neurobiology. Over the years I have seen the remarkable results of these approaches, in my clients and in myself. 

Then an amazing thing happened: I discovered painting. This unlocked a joy in me I hadn’t experienced before. And it continues to do so today. 

Since then I have become more and more bold in showing up as my true self, and I find that everyone benefits. Not just me, but my loved ones and my clients.

I have developed a method that is a unique combination of experiential approaches, along with my unwavering belief in radical self-acceptance and compassion, and my joy as a painter. 

The Journal Doodle Circle is my invitation to you to practice the skill of being present, so that you can start transforming your life, one moment at a time.  


  • We use topics like joy, creativity, authenticity, perfectionism, self-talk, boundaries, living a meaningful life, connection, community, etc. as a starting point for guided journaling, doodling, parts work, and somatic work.  

  • Timed quiet moments of looking inside alternate with sharing in the group.  


The Journal Doodle Circle is for you if…

✅ …you have some experience with mindfulness or a daily practice.

✅ …you are curious about other experiential approaches like expressive arts (no experience necessary!), somatic work, parts work, etc.   

✅ …you are looking for a mini retreat within a heart-centered community. 

The Journal Doodle Circle is NOT for you if…

❌ …the thought of “looking inside” in silence freaks you out.

❌ …you are looking for a therapy group.

❌ …you are looking for a place to discuss and get advice on your issues.


  • 1 journal (any size) for writing and doodling

  • your favorite writing pen

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More questions? Click below. I would love to hear from you.