Kickstart Your Creativity
Have I told you I LOVE glass art? Stained glass, fused glass, sea glass. No matter. I just can’t get enough of the translucent quality of glass combined with the joyful energy of color.
My next line was going to be to tell you I signed up for a stained glass class but I just found out this morning that all beginner glass art classes at the OSU Craft Center are full
So this is a last-minute rewrite. Please bear with me. I’m rolling with it.
Interestingly, today’s newsletter was going to be about giving myself permission to RESPOND this year. I was so excited about it.
2023 for me was all about showing up and putting myself out there and facing the obstacles that come with that. There was a lot of initiating and inviting and taking leaps of faith.
Writing this newsletter was a big part of that. Starting the Journal Doodle Circle another.
It was great. It was also scary and exhausting.
Responding is a different story. Responding is my sweet spot. If all I have to do is scratch an itch, I’m good.
I love glass art + There’s a class for it = Done! Easy peasy.
I don’t waste my energy second-guessing, freaking out, or worrying about making a mistake. A mistake is just another thing to respond to. No big deal.
When I respond, I’m free to just go with my gut.
It’s what painting is all about for me. Call and response. It’s exhilarating.
As long as I’m in responding mode my creative juices are flowing.
It all starts with - you guessed it - NOTICING things to respond to.
If we notice what lights us up, what piques our curiosity, we can recognize it as an invitation to explore and investigate and go from there.
We don’t need to figure out why we think it’s cool.
All we have to do is do more of it and keep following the breadcrumbs.
It could end up being a wild goose chase. (But a fun one!) A glass art class might leave me with a bunch of really pretty broken pieces - like the unraveling mess that was my 7th grade knitting project.
It could also lead to the next MEANINGFUL THING.
It’s how I discovered painting.
By being curious about art journaling and following the breadcrumbs of color and paint and the amazing things that happen when you move them around on a piece of paper.
So, my first venture this year was going to be taking a stained glass class.
What? You’re not going to let a full class get in your way, are you, Mary? Isn’t an obstacle just another thing to respond to?
Mmyes, it is.
It’s an opportunity to notice the old track in my head that says, “It’s not for you. Let it go.” And to replace it with the updated message,
“If it lights you up, it is for you. Keep going.”
So back to initiating and inviting: Please, if you know of any place or person that offers glass art instruction, let me know!
What about you? Is there something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t? What outdated track do you have running in your head when you face obstacles? And how do you feel about responding? Does it light you up like it does me? Or is there another word that can set the tone for this year?
Drop me a line to let me know. It truly makes my day to hear back from you. So please, keep it coming. Also, if you know anyone who would find my newsletters supportive, please forward this email on to them. I want to inspire more people to live a more joyful, creative life.
With love and support,
Mary B.
P.S. Our next Journal Doodle Circle is this Wednesday. It’s an intentional space for practicing the life-giving skill of noticing and meeting ourselves and others where we are. To sign up or be kept informed of gathering dates, click here.
P.P.S. Work with me 1:1 to Reignite Your Art and Your Life. If you want to turn your anxiety and insecurity into powerful art or a creative project, I’m here to guide you through. Read more here.
P.P.P.S. If you’re local, stop by my office at the Benton Plaza and share your thoughts the slow, old-fashioned way on my Community Wall.