And Now For Something a Little Different
I was hiking in the rain taking pictures of weeping trees the other day and I was reminded of a poem I wrote about 6-7 years ago.
Suddenly I felt so sad, filled with feelings of a transition time in my life when I was asking a lot of difficult questions.
Sometimes putting into words just how sad/frustrated/overwhelmed you are can be pretty sweet.
Have you experienced this?
Even years later I’m glad I cared enough to lean in and listen to what wanted to be said.
Here’s the poem.
Weeping With the Trees
I wept among the trees today
And they wept with me.
Conspiring to
Protect my prying gaze
The pines
held up a
Sheet of fog.
Solemn air
On the mossy trunks
Around me
Swelling up and
Giving way
Swelling and
To the weight of the water.
I told the oaks my sadnesses
And as I made my way
Their age-old limbs reached out
Behind me
Nudging me along and
When I stopped they
Held me.
What makes a poem good in my book is whether it expresses something real to the writer. I will say I changed most of the words as I reread it recently, but the sentiment is the same.
Is there something going on for you right now that wants to be heard and expressed?
Something that’s asking for your quiet attention in the midst of end of the year busyness?
I hope you will listen.
I hope you will put pen or pencil or paintbrush to paper and let it do its thing.
It’s magical.
If you need a little prompting, I even have an assignment for you: Write a haiku that expresses something that’s real for you right now.
Traditionally, a haiku is a rhymeless poem that often contains a reference to nature and a link to an emotional experience. It consists of 3 phrases containing 5-7-5 syllables and typically has a shift or unexpected turn. Feel free to ignore tradition and make it your own, though.
If you feel brave enough to share your work I would be honored to read it.
Alternatively, if there is something you have written or created in the past that captures something real for you, I would love to see it.
Creating is good for the soul.
Sharing is part of creating.
Be good to yourself. Be brave.
With love and support,
Mary B.
P.S. Our next Journal Doodle Circle is this Wednesday. It’s an intentional space for practicing the life-giving skill of noticing and meeting ourselves and others where we are. To sign up or be kept informed of gathering dates, click here.
P.P.S. Work with me 1:1 to Reignite Your Art and Your Life. If you want to turn your anxiety and insecurity into powerful art or a creative project, I’m here to guide you through. Read more here.