PERMISSION TO Paint And Follow Your Art (And Life!) Wherever It Wants To Go

As an artist you know how healing art can be - for others and yourself. You understand that creating and sharing your art is essential. But sometimes life gets in the way, and you forget.

Let me remind you.

Hi, I’m Mary Brutsaert. I’m a healer and an artist, and it took me years to discover a way to take care of myself that is truly nurturing - something simple yet radically different from what I’d been told to try. Now, I’ve woven this practice into my life and my art, and I’m excited to share it with you.

In my newsletter, Permission To Paint, I write every two weeks about cultivating joy through radical self-acceptance and permission to do my art like the world needs it. Because it does!

Why 50 Joys?
Mary Brutsaert Mary Brutsaert

Why 50 Joys?

“Clean sheets, the smell of spring in the air, a smile on my daughter’s face…” That’s how a grief group participant started their list of 50 joys.

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