Idle Time and Silly Delights
There’s this thing I do that fills me with delight and I have no clue why.
Picture me in pajamas and boots, robe flapping in the wind, trudging through rain soaked sod, tall grasses, or even snow while lugging one or more paintings.
Call me crazy, but as soon as there’s a little sun out throwing shadows on a pair of old wood fence doors I have sitting in the backyard, I have to go out and snap a photo of a painting somewhere on or around those doors.
Especially if the sun hasn’t been out in a while, I am out there as soon as it peeks through, casting those shadows of branches and leaves.
There’s something juicy about putting objects in an environment they’re not usually in. And bringing the different textures of grainy, weathered wood and colorful sleek canvas and the randomness of surrounding nature together, and watching them interact through an orchestrated show of playful shadows. What can be better than this?!
Absolutely nothing.
So out I go, again and again.
For some reason, this is what sparks my creativity.
And then my mind just runs with it.
Ooh, I love the playful vibe. But what if I used the wood fence as a backdrop instead? And what if I took the picture from a distance, as if someone had just left a painting sitting by a fence? There’s something melancholy and slightly off about that. Perfect!
Why? you might ask. What on earth for?
No reason. It’s a pretty pointless thing to do with some idle time.
And of course, that’s the point.
Indulging in wondrous little joys like this - things that have no purpose other than to delight me. It feeds my soul.
It cranks up my energy a notch. It makes me feel a tiny bit more alive. It helps me see the world in a slightly different way. One that’s more playful and light.
I give myself permission to go with the little sparks when they occur.
Not once. But again and again.
Ever since I started saying yes to these silly delights, I’m noticing more of them.
And I go with them.
It’s a reminder that I’m important, that my little joys matter, maybe not to the world but to me.
I matter.
And so do you.
In our own life silly things get to matter. They matter as much as we let them.
Do you let them?
What are the little things that delight you? Do you make time to notice them? Do you engage? Or do you let them go by?
Drop me a line to let me know. It truly makes my day to hear back from you. So please, keep it coming. Also, if you know anyone who would find my newsletters supportive, please forward this email on to them. I want to inspire more people to live a more joyful, creative life.
With love and support,
Mary B.
P.S. Our next Journal Doodle Circle is this Wednesday. It’s an intentional space for practicing the life-giving skill of noticing and being open to WHAT ELSE is wanting our attention. To sign up or be kept informed of gathering dates, click here.
P.P.S. Work with me 1:1 to Reignite Your Art and Your Life. If you want to turn your anxiety and insecurity into powerful art or a creative project, I’m here to guide you through. Read more here.
P.P.P.S. If you’re local, stop by my office at the Benton Plaza and share your thoughts the slow, old-fashioned way on my community wall.