Unlock your natural state of joy and creativity, and reignite your life and your art.

Live Your Joy

Hi, I’m Mary Brutsaert, trauma-focused therapist and self-taught abstract painter.

As a licensed clinical social worker I am trained in highly effective experiential approaches such as EMDR, Parts Work, Somatic Experiencing, and Mindfulness. I help people find relief from anxiety, depression, trauma, and grief.

As a life coach, I combine my therapeutic expertise and my joy as an artist to inspire you to create a life you are excited to wake up to every day.

Let’s Connect

Join me on this journey of creating a more joyful life and read my newsletter here: Let’s Connect

Work With Me

To join the Journal Doodle Circle, please click here. (THIS IS NOT THERAPY)

If you are interested in 1:1 coaching, please click here. (THIS IS NOT THERAPY)

If you are interested in therapy, please visit my PsychologyToday page here.